Perhaps I'm a bitch or innately an anxiety ridden country girl at heart. Whatever the truth may be, I've taken to heart the antisocial habits of a true New Yorker. Point in case (never loved that expression), public transportation. Don't get me wrong, I love the train, subway, metro; whatever you call or refer to it as, the NYC MTA hold a special place in my heart. No, it's not for the putrid odor of vomit slightly after midnight on January 1st, or the vile smell of freshly urinated booze on an August day at west 4th, no, it's simply that I think, or write, well while riding underground. A short aside- I do not discriminate against any form of public transportation and do not mean to cause insult to any or all bus routes, the simple existence of bus nausea prevents me from fulling appreciating their atmosphere. My apologies.
Back to the original topic at hand, I don't really like people very much. I wouldn't go so far as to say that I loath them, but depending on the day of the week, time of day and train line, there is always that possibility that I go bitch like some go werewolf! The most obvious characteristic of this transformation is my territorial nature when it comes to my personal leg space. Long explanation short-just because you are a man, and therefore have a single extra appendage (which I guarantee is smaller than you say) does not mean you are allotted twice or three times as much space on the metro. You're just dead wrong in that arena. So fucking sit up, put your legs together and, like my girlfriend says, sit like a gentleman!
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