Work gives me anxiety, period. I don't mean butterflies in my stomach, first date or piano recital anxiety; I mean full on, full blown, stomach wretching, heart thumping, hand tremor anxiety. Why? Because "Pat the Bunny" doesn't have an ISBN.
I'll explain... An ISBN number, for those who are not aware, is pretty much a book's product number. Turn over any hard or softcover book and there it is, tadah! Now feel your life become enriched, just kidding.
Let's move on... There tend to be two different numbers, the "13" and the "10," but that's irrelevent to my story. What is relevent is that you sometimes NEED one of those numbers, especially if your biggest anxiety ridden fear materializes on a sleepy Sunday morning: having to ring at cashwrap. To make a long story short, cut to the chase, you can't ring up "Pat the Bunny" without a skew to scan or an ISBN number to enter. It just isn't possible, and of the 35 copies of "Pat the Bunny," this woman wants to buy probably the only copy of "Pat the Bunny" with both an unscannable skew and an illegible ISBN. Needless to say, after it was all said and done, I did not want to "pat" the bunny but "kill" the bunny!
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